Who we are
as an employer

Akonovia is a company that operates on a human scale, with 23 employees who share a passion for energy efficiency and who are committed to the energy transition. Our human capital is our most valuable resource, and we are certain that our cultural diversity and broad spectrum of expertise help us stand out on the market. Akonovia is a project that was born from a desire to provide concrete and sustainable solutions to face the challenges brought about by climate change.
Today, in a few numbers and humans, Akonovia is…

Des acteur·rices de la décarbonation

qui se côtoient
au quotidien

Des origines ethniques des 4 coins du monde

that enrich our corporate culture

Des années

en efficacité énergétique et 
plans et devis

Our values

Building a work environment, together, that gives people the opportunity to flourish while helping to solve the challenges brought about by climate change. One day, we want to be seen as a benchmark and leader in terms of well-being at work … we want to make Akonovia the #1 employer in the country, and we work at it every day!


This value is the cornerstone of Akonovia culture. Caring means adopting a frame of mind that favours understanding, and a generous attitude towards others. In all circumstances, we try to be caring—with our employees or colleagues, with our clients and their teams, and with other people from all backgrounds with whom we interact in our projects. We do this on a daily basis. Because we truly believe in it.


Whether it's to help our customer achieve his goal, or to help us at Akonovia achieve ours, we believe that any decision or action based on the collaboration of the various parties or stakeholders is likely to generate a better working climate and better conditions for success, for everyone.


Some will say that this value is implicit, that there's no need to state it loud and clear. We disagree. On the contrary, we think it's our duty to point out that it's deeply rooted in our beliefs and that, consequently, our decisions and actions must pass through this filter in all circumstances.


It is said that innovators are pioneers, that they can’t be satisfied with the status quo, that they are creative, always looking forward, towards the future. This statement echoes our vision, our need to be agile, always striving for more efficient and effective approaches or solutions.

Building a work environment, together, that gives people the opportunity to flourish while helping to solve the challenges brought about by climate change. One day, we want to be seen as a benchmark and leader in terms of well-being at work … we want to make Akonovia the #1 employer in the country, and we work at it every day!

Our vision, as an employer

We want to see our employees grow, achieve their goals, and exceed their own expectations, through our projects.
More than ever, we believe that a good customer experience relies, first and foremost, on a great employee experience!


Fulfillment first

We are certain that a happy and fulfilled employee brings real added value to the team and to the company. This is why Akonovia works hard to provide a program that allows every person to achieve both personal and professional goals. With the active support of their teammates, we encourage our employees to pursue their aspirations and strive to create a work environment in which dreams can be made a reality.

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Bahare et sophie Hiking